Sklyarov, Eugene Vicktorovich

Ph.D. in Geological Science

Institute of the Earths Crust of SB RAS
Russia, 664033, Irkutsk, 128, Lermontov Str.
Phone: +7(395-2) 42-70-00, Fax: +7(395-2) 42-69-00

Reports list

  1. Gladkochub D.P.*, Larin A.M.**, Kotov A.B.***, Vladykin N.****, Kovach V.P.**, Sklyarov E.V.*, Donskaya T.V.*, Velikoslavinskii S.D.**
    A possible role of the superplume in genesis of unique Katugin rare metal deposit (Aldan shield)
    *Institute of the Earths Crust of SB RAS (Irkutsk), Russia
    **Институт геологии и геохронологии докембрия РАН (St. Petersburg), Russia
    ***Institute of Precambrian Geology and Geochronology RAS (St.-Petersburg), Russia
    ****Институт геохимии СО РАН (Irkutsk), Russia
  2. Sklyarov E.V.*, Fedorovsky V.S., Mazukabzov A.M., Gladkochub D.P., Donskaya T.V., Lavrenchuk A.V., Kotov A.B.**
    Evidence of plume-tectonics in the Olkhon collisional system (Central Asian orogenic belt)
    *Institute of the Earths Crust of SB RAS (Irkutsk), Russia
    **Institute of Precambrian Geology and Geochronology RAS (St.-Petersburg), Russia

To participants list