Abstracts and registration fee
Registration Fees
Registration fees are USD 200 for conference participants, USD 150 for accompanying persons, and USD 100 for students.
Registration fee includes Program & Abstracts Volume, Excursion Guidebook, attendance at the sessions, ice-breaking party, meals (launch and dinner), and banquet.
Final excursion fees and methods of payment will be indicated in the Second Circular (March 2015).
Insurance liability
Participants should note that emergency medical costs are not covered by the registration fee.
Abstract submission
Abstracts should be submitted by uploading on the Conference site (http://lip2015.igc.irk.ru/en/user/applicationlist, click “Add new report”) as attached files in DOC or DOCX format. Please nam the attached file by the name of the first author (for example: Smith.doc). The abstract should be no longer than two A4 pages including tables, illustrations and references with all round margins of 2.5 cm. The text should be prepared using Microsoft Word (version 2003 and newer): Times New Roman, 12, single spaced, wide justified, not paginated, 1 cm indented.
Figures should be saved as JPG or TIF files at a resolution dpi and included directly in the text (position in the center). Figure captions (Times New Roman, 10) should be included below the figure.
Figures, tables and references should be referred in parenthesis: (Fig. 1), (Table 2), (Smith et al. 2005). References should be separated by a single line from the main text, alphabetically ordered, typed in Times New Roman, 10.
The first author can submit only two papers while co-authorship in other papers is not restricted.
The Organizing Committee keeps a right to reject the abstracts out of the topic of the conference.
Detailed instructions and abstract template is here http://conf.nsc.ru/files/conferences/lip2015/255762/Abstract_Instructions.doc
Abstract submission deadline is 15 June 2015.