General information
The conference period is characterized by moderate (20-25 C) temperatures with moderate precipitation. Weather is similar in Irkutsk city and Listvyanka settlement, but it is usually windier in Listvyanka and Lake Baikal.
Weather report for Irkutsk is available in Russian ( and English (
Irkutsk is one of the oldest cities in Russian Siberia (established at 1661) and is large cultural, scientific and tourist center beyond the Urals. More information about Irkutsk can be found at (in Russian) and
Listvyanka is located 70 km SE from Irkutsk, within 1 hour travel by bus. In Lystvyanka, there are possibilities to visit Baikal Museum SB RAS (, also in Russian), to try local food (especially Baikal fish) and buy souvenirs. Visiting Listvyanka is good possibility to see and feel mystery of Lake Baikal (, the largest native reservoir of fresh water.